When it comes to vehicles, I’m not much of an aficionado. I want something that makes me smile, will get me from Point A to Point B, and won’t kill my budget. But if money weren’t an object, I’d get this dreamy ride. I’m smiling just thinking about it. I was an inch away from owning a vintage VW camper van in college, but my sensible father “steered” me away from it. Dreams crushed, I settled for a pale green Ford wagon with no heat and rusted-out wheel wells, a steal for $100 that got me through a couple years of commuting to Ohio State. This beauty, a yellow and pewter all-electric 2024 VW Microbus, is my new car crush, as cool as it gets and totally my personality. Park this anywhere and a crowd is sure to gather. Drive it around and enjoy the front-to-back window roof and sleek interior. Ooh, yes. People everywhere have a car crush on VW bugs and camper vans, their emotional heartstrings all aflutter whenever they see one. VW’s slogan says it all: fahrvergnügen! This means,...