Every author struggles with the “M” word – Marketing! (What word did you think I meant?) The thought of marketing your own books can strike terror in the hearts of many authors, most of whom, let’s face it, prefer to communicate through the written word. Yet, regardless of what path you take to being published, no one escapes from the need to conquer their fears and face your adoring—or perhaps indifferent, public. The key to overcoming your fear of this interaction is this: it’s not about you. Does your book have a purpose, a message you hope will change someone’s life? Marketing is your way of getting this message into the hands of people who otherwise would never have heard it. Focus on your potential readers; care about them, learn about them, listen to them, and your fear will begin to melt away. Ok, so let’s assume for the balance of this article that you have to take the reins of your own marketing. Now what? Talk to ten different experts on the ...